

Technical Resources


Smooth browsing

Most of the small inline images which appear in the left column of these pages may be downloaded in a larger format. Clicking on them will deliver a JPEG-compressed version which--depending on how you've configured your browser--will either open in your browser or or be handed off to a separate helper application, a viewer such as Lview (for Windows) or JPEGView (for Macintosh).

This website has been designed to work on monitors as small as 640 x 480 pixels showing as few as 256 colours. All users may manually set the size of their browsers in accordance with the graphic below:

set your browser to this width

Netscape Navigator For best results, view this site using Netscape Navigator 2.0 or better.


Website Development

The Courage Remembered Development Team created all the pages in this site with Apple Macintosh Performa 5200s. The pages were marked up with Rick Giles' excellent shareware editor HTML Editor 1.1.4, while the site was rendered using Clay Basket 1.0b8e/Frontier 4.0.1 by Userland Software. Bare Bones Software's BBEdit 4.0.1 was used as an HTML editor by the project manager, and it kept his sanity by allowing global search and replace across over two hundred files. Graphical utilities included Aaron Giles' postcardware JPEGView 3.3.1 and Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5.

Made with Macintosh

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