Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 17:57:13 -0800 From: (Michael J. Healy 425-865-3123) Subject: categories: Industrial application To all who work in category theory: Today, my colleague Keith Williamson demonstrated an "industrial-strength" application of category theory. He applied The Kestrel Institute's Specware(TM) system to generate a fairly large program from formal specifications. The program optimizes the placement of electrical equipment in an airliner, minimizing wiring subject to constraints on how the equipment can be placed. This is a demonstration of applied research, not yet in technology transfer. That having been said, the engineers are finding the program Keith generated to be potentially of great use. Of more significance, though, is their interest in the way the program was developed: It can be either improved or adapted to other applications by modifying specifications and diagrams of specification morphisms, and then replaying the software generation---as opposed to having to work with the code. Efficiency improvements to the code have already been demonstrated by working in this mode. Our slogan is "Re-use specifications, not software". I don't want to oversell this thing; the devil is in the details, as usual, and much more work needs to be done on this approach. But I'm obviously proud of the accomplishment. When I started our project about four years ago, most here thought that applying category theory to anything was a crazy notion; others thought that applications, if any, would be 12 to twenty years out (depending on to whom we were talking). Last year we had a proof-of-concept demonstration (actual code). This year, the boss said, "OK, now scale it up."---and we did! Ross Street has had an item giving an overview of our work linked to his home page for some time now. We have a paper accepted in the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, but I don't know when it will appear. Mike Healy Here's the standard disclaimer I must provide: This document does not represent an official position of The Boeing Company or any of its subsidiaries or suppliers. -- =========================================================================== e Michael J. Healy A FA ----------> GA (425)865-3123 | | FAX(425)865-2964 | | Ff | | Gf c/o The Boeing Company | | PO Box 3707 MS 7L-66 \|/ \|/ Seattle, WA 98124-2207 ' ' USA FB ----------> GB -or for priority mail- e "I'm a natural man." 2760 160th Ave SE MS 7L-66 B Bellevue, WA 98008 USA -or- ============================================================================