Date: Wed, 6 Sep 1995 20:27:23 -0300 (ADT) Subject: ANNOUNCE: kuvio.tex - diagrams for dvips users Date: Wed, 6 Sep 95 14:27:49 -0700 From: Anders Svensson Since Kris has just announced a new version of XY-pic, allow me to offer up my own diagram package for users of dvips. The macros in kuvio.tex use PostScript embedded in \special control sequences to rotate arrows from the horizontal. Features include: 1. Input uses an alignment syntax not unlike some other packages. 2. Rigid and flexible grids for vertex placement. (Warning for new users: \Diagram \endDiagram and \Dg \endDg behave quite differently.) 3. Diagram compilation for improved performance. 4. Diagram types allow one to customize the setup for a named class of diagrams. 5. Almost every choice made by the macros in kuvio.tex is adjustable by the user. 6. A labelling scheme for typesetting material on top of diagrams or included PostScript figures. 7. Arrows can be attached to points on other arrows. 8. Since arrows are rotated from the horizontal, anything which can be typeset horizontally can be used as an arrow in a diagram. New arrow types are easily defined. (For those who care about such things, there is a predefined type, To, whose arrowhead is that of \rightarrow .) 9. General purpose macros for rotation, reflection and framing. For anyone who's interested, the following files can be found at /pub/svensson/ kuvio-p209+245.tar.gz kuvio.tex plus documentation in both source and PostScript (letter size) form. kuvio-p209+245A4.tar.gz kuvio.tex plus documentation in both source and PostScript (A4) form. kuvio-p209+245ps.tar.gz kuvio.tex plus documentation in PostScript (letter size) form only. kuvio-p209+245A4ps.tar.gz kuvio.tex plus documentation in PostScript (A4) form only. kuvio-p209+245src.tar.gz kuvio.tex plus documentation in source form only. Not worth the effort unless you already know what you're in for. kuvio-p209.tar.gz kuvio.tex sans documentation. Teasers from the documentation - the table of contents plus 12 pages of example diagrams. As far as I know, everything works so if you run into any trouble don't hesitate to contact me. Anders