Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 17:01:37 +0500 (GMT+4:00) Subject: Partial Topos Date: Mon, 29 Aug 94 18:37:23 +0200 From: Thomas Streicher Dear All, I'd like to know whether the following is aloready well known ? Around 1980 in a lecture course at Louvain-la-Neuve Jean Benabou introduced the notion of partial topos. He defined it as a category IB with pullbacks such that each slice is an elementary topos and the reindexing functors f* are logical and have right adjoints Pi_f . One immediately can see that it is enough to claim that each slice is an elementary topos : slices having products means that one has pullbacks and for any f : J -> I the reindexing functor f* is logical and has a right adjoint as it is isomorphic to the functor (f : f -> id_I)* : (IB/I) -> (IB/I)/f which is the inverse image part of a local homeomorphism. Nevertheless this definition of partial topos as a category all whose slices are toposes has a certain defect - pointed out by Benabou himself - namely that ANY groupoid is a partial topos as it has pullbacks and any slice is the trivial topos. Now what is a natural condition ruling out this defect. I propose the following condition (Weakening) for any I the forgetful functor Sigma_I : IB/I -> IB has a right adjoint I* : IB -> IB/I I call this weakening as any category with pullbacks is a model of extensional type theory not allowing empty contexts (which would be interpreted as the (non-existing) terminal object). Nevertheless we would like to have weakening by a type which corresponds to the rule Gamma |- B A a type --------------------------- A , Gamma |- B the categorical semantics of "weakening by A" is applying the right adjoint to Sigma_A : IB/A -> IB. LEMMA 1 An ARBITRARY category IB has weakening iff IB has binary products. Proof : If Sigma_I -| I* then I*X : I*X -> I is the first projection and the counit eps_X : I*X -> X is the second projection. end_of_proof Now the condition of weakening rules out nontrivial groupoids. LEMMA 2 If IB is a groupoid satisfying weakening then for any I in IB the functor Sigma_I : IB/I -> IB has a right adjoint and therefore preserves colimits. Now id_I considered as an object of IB/I is initial and therefore I = Sigma_I(id_I) is initial. Thus all objects of the groupoid are initial and the groupoid is trivial. end_of_proof This suggests the following new DEFINITION A category IB is a PARTIAL TOPOS iff (i) any slice of IB is a topos (ii) IB has weakening, i.e. all binary products. Immediate consequences of the definition : LEMMA 3 Let IB be a partial topos. The the following hold (i) IB has equalizers (ii) any finite diagram in IB has a colimit iff it has at least one cocone (iii) IB / O is trivial (iv) if f : A -> B and the exponential object B^A exists then IB has a terminal object . In more elementary terms partial toposes can be characterized as follows. LEMMA 4 IB is a partial topos iff (i) IB has pullbacks and binary products (ii) any f* has a right adjoint Pi_f (iii) for any I the category IB/I has a subobject classifier (i.e. there exists an epi Omega_I : Omega_I -> I split by T_I : I -> Omega_I such that for any f : A -> I and subobject m : A' >--> A there exists a unique morphism chi : A -> Omega_I with chi ; Omega_I = f and m = chi*T_I ) Proof : (ii) is equivalent to any slice being cartesian closed. EXAMPLES of Partial Toposes (i) (Benabou 1980) Let IE be an elementary topos and F a nonempty downward closed subset of Sub_IE(1). Let IE_F be the full subcategory of IE consisting of those subobjects X s.t. support(X) is in F . Then IE_F is a partial topos. Taking IE = Set^I and for F the subsets of I containing at most one element (the downward closure of the atoms in Sub_IE(1)) then IE/F is not closed under finite sums. (ii) the category of finite trees is a partial topos (Benabou, private communication) (iii) the category of spaces and local homemorphisms is a partial topos (cf. mail of Freyd in April '94 on CATEGORIES) (iv) the category of small (finite) categories and discrete fibrations is a partial topos (the slice over C is equivalent to the topos of (finite) presheaves over C) binary products can be constructed by showing that for any C Sigma_C has a right adjoint; the construction of the right adjoint is suggested by the Yoneda lemma Are there other useful examples ?? Is this the "correct" definition of "partial topos" ? Thomas Streicher