import*; /** * This class is used to solve a generalized version of the Eight Queens Problem. * The solution deviates slightly from the problem statement in that the method * checkForAttacks now returns a boolean that is true if an attack exists, and * false otherwise (as well as printing out the required statement). * * @author Liam Keliher + Andy Hebert (setQueens method) * @version 14-Nov-2005 */ public class QueensProblemSolution { public static final int MAX_DIMEN = 12; public static final int MIN_DIMEN = 2; public static final int DEFAULT_DIMEN = 8; private int dimen; private boolean[][] board; //--------------------------------------------------------------- public QueensProblemSolution(int inDimen) { if ((inDimen < MIN_DIMEN) || (inDimen > MAX_DIMEN)) { dimen = DEFAULT_DIMEN; } // if else { dimen = inDimen; } // else board = new boolean[dimen][dimen]; } // constructor QueensProblemSolution(int) //--------------------------------------------------------------- public void addQueen(int row, int col) { if ((row < 0) || (row >= dimen) || (col < 0) || (col >= dimen)) { System.out.println("Bad queen position: (" + row + "," + col + ")"); } // if else if (board[row][col]) { System.out.println("Valid board position, but already occupied"); } // else if else { board[row][col] = true; } // else } // addQueen(int,int) //--------------------------------------------------------------- public void removeQueen(int row, int col) { if ((row < 0) || (row >= dimen) || (col < 0) || (col >= dimen)) { System.out.println("Bad queen position: (" + row + "," + col + ")"); } // if else if (!board[row][col]) { System.out.println("Valid board position, but no queen to remove"); } // else if else { board[row][col] = false; } // else } // removeQueen(int,int) //--------------------------------------------------------------- private void printLine() { for (int i = 0; i < 4*dimen+1; i++) { System.out.print("-"); } // for i System.out.println(); } // printLine() //--------------------------------------------------------------- public void printBoard() { int row, col; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { System.out.println("\n"); } // for i printLine(); for (row = 0; row < dimen; row++) { for (col = 0; col < dimen; col++) { System.out.print("| " + (board[row][col] ? 'Q' : ' ') + " "); } // for col System.out.println("|"); printLine(); } // for row } // printBoard() //--------------------------------------------------------------- public boolean checkForAttacks() { int row, col, count; boolean existsAttack = false; //--- Check that no row has 2 or more queens --- for (row = 0; !existsAttack && (row < dimen); row++) { count = 0; for (col = 0; !existsAttack && (col < dimen); col++) { if (board[row][col]) { count++; if (count >= 2) { existsAttack = true; } // if } // if } // for col } // for row //--- Check that no column has 2 or more queens --- for (col = 0; !existsAttack && (col < dimen); col++) { count = 0; for (row = 0; !existsAttack && (row < dimen); row++) { if (board[row][col]) { count++; if (count >= 2) { existsAttack = true; } // if } // if } // for row } // for col //--- Check diagonals running NW-SE --- for (col = 0; !existsAttack && (col < (dimen-1)); col++) { if (countSE(0, col) >= 2) { existsAttack = true; } // if } // for col for (row = 1; !existsAttack && (row < (dimen-1)); row++) { if (countSE(row, 0) >= 2) { existsAttack = true; } // if } // for row //--- Check diagonals running NE-SW --- for (col = 1; !existsAttack && (col < dimen); col++) { if (countSW(0, col) >= 2) { existsAttack = true; } // if } // for col for (row = 1; !existsAttack && (row < (dimen-1)); row++) { if (countSW(row, dimen-1) >= 2) { existsAttack = true; } // if } // for row //--- The conclusion of the matter --- if (existsAttack) { System.out.println("\nYES, two or more queens can attack each other."); } // if else { System.out.println("\nNO, there are no attacks."); } // else return existsAttack; } // checkForAttacks() //--------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Counts the number of queens on the diagonal starting at the * specified position and heading south-east. If the starting * position is not on the board, returns 0. */ private int countSE(int inRow, int inCol) { int row = inRow, col = inCol, count; if ((row < 0) || (row >= dimen) || (col < 0) || (col >= dimen)) { return 0; } // if count = 0; while ((row < dimen) && (col < dimen)) { if (board[row][col]) { count++; } // if row++; col++; } // while return count; } // countSE(int,int) //--------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Counts the number of queens on the diagonal starting at the * specified position and heading south-west. If the starting * position is not on the board, returns 0. */ private int countSW(int inRow, int inCol) { int row = inRow, col = inCol, count; if ((row < 0) || (row >= dimen) || (col < 0) || (col >= dimen)) { return 0; } // if count = 0; while ((row < dimen) && (col >= 0)) { if (board[row][col]) { count++; } // if row++; col--; } // while return count; } // countSW(int,int) //--------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This method tries to place the same number of queens on the board as there * are rows/columns, while ensuring that no two queens can attack each other. */ public void setQueens() { int numQueens = 0; // number of queens places so far, and also row we are currently working on int col = 0; // the column (of the current row) in which we are trying to place a queen while(true) { if(numQueens == dimen) // problem is solved! { printBoard(); return; }// end if addQueen(numQueens, col); if(!checkForAttacks()) // if queens places so far are OK, go to next row { numQueens++; col = 0; continue; }//end if else if(col+1 < dimen) // there is an attack, so remove queen and try one square over { removeQueen(numQueens, col); col++; continue; }// end else if else // end of row and we could not place a queen, so back up one row { removeQueen(numQueens, col); // remove current queen numQueens--; // move up one row for(int i = 0; i < dimen; i++) { if(board[numQueens][i]) // find queen in current row { removeQueen(numQueens, i); // remove queen and try to move one square over if((i == dimen-1) && (numQueens !=0)) // if current queen is at end of row { col = 0; numQueens--; // move up one row i = -1; // restarts the for loop to find queen in current row continue; }// end if else if((i == dimen-1) && (numQueens == 0)) // if first queen at end of first row then no possible solution { System.out.println("There are no possible combinations"); return; }// end else if col = i+1; break; }// end if }// end for }// end else }// end while }// end setQueens() //--------------------------------------------------------------- } // class QueensProblemSolution