Data Structures and Algorithms II
CS 2631 (Winter 2011)

Instructor: Dr. R. Rosebrugh, Dunn 203


Check this URL regularly for information about the course.


Linked here, dates subject to change.


Note: In order to pass the course:

Grades will be assigned using approximately the following weights:

The midterm test will be held on Monday, February 28 [in class].


Held in AVDX 115, Weds 2;30-5:30, starting January 19. Lab coding must follow the CS2631 - Style Guide 2011



Be sure to look at all problems in the text, not just the ones assigned to be handed in.

Notes: (these apply to \emph{all} assignments):

  1. Problems with a * must be handed in electronically with the following specification:
    Email to the instructor one .zip file called where FL are your first and last initials and nnn is the problem number, for example nnn= "C2.9". The zip file must contain one folder that is an Eclipse project named FLnnn, including Javadoc.
  2. Code must conform to the CS2631 - Style Guide 2011 .
  3. Other problems may typed or legibly handwritten. Be sure that you test any code you hand in.
  4. Late assignments are penalized one letter grade per day, and not accepted beyond three days late.
  5. You may discuss the assignment problems with classmates, but unless noted otherwise, you must do all coding and written work yourself. Read and be familiar with the Academic Calendar Section 10.13.
  6. You are expected to be familiar with and you must follow the Computing Services Department Policies . Note especially Password Policy, Terms & Conditions for Use of University Computing Accounts, Computer Network Usage Policy.

Assignment 1

Review problems from the text (may be on quizzes):
R 2.3-5, 9-11, 18

Problems to hand in:
R 2.12, 15, C 2.3, 6, 9*. Your solution to C2.9 must demonstrate Inheritance and have an Abstract Class.

Due January 19 (5pm AST).

Assignment 2

Review problems from the text (may be on quizzes):
R 6.2-5, 9, 11-13, 18

Problems to hand in:
R-6.18, 24, C-6.4, 17

Due February 10 (5pm AST).

Assignment 3

Review problems from the text (may be on quizzes):
R: 8.3,8.7-12,8.18-20, 11.10-13, 11.18, 11.22

Problems to hand in:
R-8.13, 8.19, 11.18, 11.20; C-11.5, 11.17

Due February 28 (5pm AST).

Assignment 4

Review problems from the text (may be on quizzes):
R-9.1, 9.3, 9.6, 9.7, 9.10, R-10.10.4, 10.6, 10.8-12, 10-15, 10.18-19

Problems to hand in:
R-9.8, 9.11, R-10.7, 10-16, 10.20, C-10.4,
P-9.3* Use the Map ADT as described on p387, G&T - make it generic! Hand in two classes: Map and MapTest. Design the latter to test your implementation.

Due March 18 (5pm AST)

Remember to look at all problems in the text, not just the ones assigned to be handed in.