Uses of Class

Packages that use EntityAttribute

Uses of EntityAttribute in easik.sketch.attribute

Fields in easik.sketch.attribute with type parameters of type EntityAttribute
private  java.util.ArrayList<EntityAttribute> UniqueKey._attributes
          The attributes contributing to this unique key

Method parameters in easik.sketch.attribute with type arguments of type EntityAttribute
 void UniqueKey.setAttributes(java.util.ArrayList<EntityAttribute> inAtts)
          Sets the attributes involved in this unique key to the attributes present in inAtts

Constructors in easik.sketch.attribute with parameters of type EntityAttribute
AttributeUI(EntityAttribute inAtt)
          Creates a dialog box prompting the user for input.

Constructor parameters in easik.sketch.attribute with type arguments of type EntityAttribute
UniqueKey(EntityNode inParent, java.util.ArrayList<EntityAttribute> inAtts, java.lang.String inName)
          Default constructor

Uses of EntityAttribute in easik.sketch.util

Fields in easik.sketch.util with type parameters of type EntityAttribute
private  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,EntityAttribute> SketchHandler._curNodeAtts
          Hash Map of the current node attributes, indexed by the name of the attribute
private  java.util.ArrayList<EntityAttribute> SketchHandler._curUniqueKeyAtts
          The EntityAttributes involved in the current Unique key being defined

Uses of EntityAttribute in easik.sketch.vertex

Fields in easik.sketch.vertex with type parameters of type EntityAttribute
private  java.util.ArrayList<EntityAttribute> EntityNode._entityAttributes
          List of all attributes for this entity

Methods in easik.sketch.vertex with parameters of type EntityAttribute
 void EntityNode.addAttribute(EntityAttribute inAtt)
          Creates a new EntityAttribute and add its to the list of attributes
 void EntityNode.removeAttribute(EntityAttribute inAttribute)
          Removes an attribute from the list