Uses of Class

Packages that use SketchPath

Uses of SketchPath in easik.sketch

Fields in easik.sketch with type parameters of type SketchPath
private  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,SketchPath> Sketch._paths
          Hash Map of all paths, indexed by their name

Method parameters in easik.sketch with type arguments of type SketchPath
 void Sketch.initialiseFromData(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,EntityNode> entityNodes, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge> edges, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,SketchPath> paths, java.util.LinkedList<Constraint> constraints, java.util.ArrayList dataTypes, DocumentInfo head, boolean inMySQL, boolean inOracle, boolean inDB2, boolean inXML, boolean inUserDefined)
          Used to initialise a new sketch based on provided data (usually from the Sketch loading methods).

Uses of SketchPath in easik.sketch.constraint

Fields in easik.sketch.constraint with type parameters of type SketchPath
protected  java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> Constraint._paths
          The paths involved in the constraint

Methods in easik.sketch.constraint that return SketchPath
 SketchPath CommutativeDiagram.getPathA()
          Return the first path
 SketchPath CommutativeDiagram.getPathB()
          Return the second path

Methods in easik.sketch.constraint that return types with arguments of type SketchPath
 java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> Constraint.getPaths()
          Returns the set of the paths involved in the constraint

Methods in easik.sketch.constraint with parameters of type SketchPath
static boolean CommutativeDiagram.isCommutativeDiagram(SketchPath pathA, SketchPath pathB)
          Checks whether the current selected paths form a commutative diagram.

Method parameters in easik.sketch.constraint with type arguments of type SketchPath
static java.lang.String Constraint.getTablesInvolvedForError(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> paths)
          Determines the entities involved in a constraint and lists them for an error message.
static boolean PullbackConstraint.isPullbackConstraint(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> paths)
          Method to determine whether a set of paths potentially forming a pullback constraint could legally form a pullback constraint.
 void SumConstraint.setPaths(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> inPaths)
          Sets the path array, updates edge list, and updates display
 void ProductConstraint.setPaths(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> inPaths)
          Sets the path array, updates edge list, and updates display

Constructors in easik.sketch.constraint with parameters of type SketchPath
CommutativeDiagram(SketchPath pathA, SketchPath pathB)
          Creates a commutative diagram from two paths.
CommutativeDiagram(SketchPath pathA, SketchPath pathB, int x, int y, boolean isVisible)
          Creates a commutative diagram from two path.

Constructor parameters in easik.sketch.constraint with type arguments of type SketchPath
CommutativeDiagram(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> inPaths, int x, int y, boolean isVisible)
          Creates a commutative diagram from an ArrayList of paths.
ProductConstraint(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> inPaths)
          Product constraint constructor.
ProductConstraint(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> inPaths, int x, int y, boolean isVisible)
          Product constraint constructor.
PullbackConstraint(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> inPaths)
          Takes an ArrayList of paths, makes them a pullback.
PullbackConstraint(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> paths, int x, int y, boolean isVisible)
          Takes an ArrayList of paths, makes them a pullback.
SumConstraint(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> inPaths)
          Default Constructor takes an ArrayList of SketchPaths
SumConstraint(java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> inPaths, int x, int y, boolean isVisible)
          Constructor for specifying position on graph

Uses of SketchPath in easik.sketch.path

Methods in easik.sketch.path with parameters of type SketchPath
static boolean SketchPath.pathsAreEqual(SketchPath a, SketchPath b)
          Method to determine whether two paths are equal, based on the edges that comprise the path.

Method parameters in easik.sketch.path with type arguments of type SketchPath
static void SketchPath.renamePaths(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,SketchPath> paths, SketchEdge newEdge)
          Static method to rename a path in instances where an edge contained within the path has been renamed.

Uses of SketchPath in easik.sketch.util

Fields in easik.sketch.util with type parameters of type SketchPath
private  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,SketchPath> SketchHandler._allPaths
          The paths of the sketch, indexed by name
private  java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> SketchHandler._curConstraintPaths
          The paths involved in the current constraint being defined

Methods in easik.sketch.util that return types with arguments of type SketchPath
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,SketchPath> SketchHandler.getPaths()
          Returns HashMap of paths

Uses of SketchPath in easik.states

Fields in easik.states declared as SketchPath
private  SketchPath AddCommutativeDiagramState._pathA
          The first path involved in this constraint
private  SketchPath AddCommutativeDiagramState._pathB
          The second path involved in this constraint
private  SketchPath GetPathState._pathToReturn
          The path created from the edges chosen

Fields in easik.states with type parameters of type SketchPath
private  java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> AddSumConstraintState._paths
          The paths involved in this constraint
private  java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> AddPullbackConstraintState._paths
          The paths involved in this constraint
private  java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> AddProductConstraintState._paths
          The paths involved in this constraint
private  java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> AddPathToConstraintState._paths
          The paths involved in this constraint

Methods in easik.states with parameters of type SketchPath
 void PathAcceptingState.passPath(SketchPath path)
          Hook used by states to transmit information about a path.
 void AddSumConstraintState.passPath(SketchPath inPath)
          Called when a new path has been completed by a state above this on the stack.
 void AddPullbackConstraintState.passPath(SketchPath inPath)
          Called when a new path has been completed by a state above this on the stack.
 void AddProductConstraintState.passPath(SketchPath inPath)
          Called when a new path has been completed by a state above this on the stack.
 void AddPathToConstraintState.passPath(SketchPath inPath)
          Called when a new path has been completed by a state above this on the stack.
 void AddCommutativeDiagramState.passPath(SketchPath inPath)
          Called when a new path has been completed by a state above this on the stack.

Constructor parameters in easik.states with type arguments of type SketchPath
AddPathToConstraintState(Sketch inSketch, java.util.ArrayList<SketchPath> curPaths, Constraint curConstraint)
          Constructor for creating a new state to collect paths and make a diagram.