/* Research Project: Graphical Database for Category Theory J. Bradbury, Dr. R. Rosebrugh, I. Rutherford Mount Allison University 2001 File: GDCTIntro.java Description: This frame displays an intro image for GDCT as a "splash screen" when the application is first opened */ //import statements import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; class GDCTIntro extends Frame { int check_enter = 0; Button exit = new Button(); Panel button_panel = new Panel(); BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout(); IniSettings ini = new IniSettings(); public GDCTIntro() //Default constructor { this.setResizable(false); setTitle("GDCT " + ini.getCurrentVersion()); exit.setLabel("OK"); this.setLayout(borderLayout1); resize(320,290); } public void paint(Graphics g) //This function "paints" onto the current frame's canvas it //is called when the frame is created { //Draw intro graphic g.drawImage(getToolkit().getImage("images/intro.jpg"), 4, 23, this); } }