Karen Crosby

Crosby KM, Bains JS, and Pittman QJ. Postsynaptic depolarization enhances GABA drive to dorsomedial hypothalamic neurons through somatodendritic cholecystokinin release. Journal of Neuroscience. Under review.
Crosby KM and Bains JS. The intricate link between glucocorticoids and endocannabinoids at stress-relevant synapses in the hypothalamus. Neuroscience. 2012; 204: 31-7.
Crosby KM*, Inoue, W*, Pittman QJ and Bains JS. Endocannabinoids gate state-dependent plasticity of synaptic inhibition in feeding circuits. Neuron. 2011; 71(3): 529-41. *These authors contributed equally to this work. **Comment: Younts and Castillo, Neuron, 2011.
B.Sc Mount Allison University
M.Sc University of Prince Edward Island
Ph.D University of Calgary
Biology 1001 - Foundations of Biology, Fall
Biology 3211 - Human Physiology, Winter
Biology 4211 - Endocrinology, Winter
Neurobiology of appetite
Impact of stress on feeding circuitry in the brain
Endocannabinoid and nitric oxide signaling and regulation of food intake in the rat
Role of the dorsomedial hypothalamus in integrating satiety and stress signals
Grants, awards & honours
J.E.A. Crake Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, 2013-2014