Purpose:  To support the work of students in the Religious Studies program, and generally the work of students in the Humanities, and to a lesser extent student work in the Social Science subjects. The interdisciplinary relationships are with History, Literature, Philosophy, and Sociology.

Existing Collection Strength:  This is a mature collection, with particular strengths in the Christian religion which is at the Selective (3) level, while Eastern Religions, Judaism, and practical theology are at the Representative (2) level, and the Far East at the Basic (1) level.

Current Collecting Intensity:  As above, but increasing the Far Eastern collection to the Representative (2) level.

Geographic Focus:  Worldwide, but with increasing emphasis on the religions of the Far East.

Chronological Focus:  All time periods collected.

Languages:  Predominantly English.

Formats Collected:  Books and serial publications are of almost equal importance, with an increasing interest in video.

Access to Journal Articles:  The major index is the ATLA Religion Database. Others include Alt-Press Watch, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Humanities Index, Ingenta, Project Muse and ProQuest.

Date:  May 1996 (Revised May 2003)
Selector Responsible:  Jeff Lilburn