Purpose: The material in this area includes geography, cartography, human ecology, oceanography and environmental sciences*. It supports the work of students of environmental studies, environmental science, geography, as well as the social sciences such as economics, politics and international relations.

Existing Collection Strength: Generally it is at the Selective level (3) for geography and human ecology; Representative (2) for oceanography and environmental science.

Current Collecting Intensity: As above, reflecting greater use of journal articles in the sciences.

Geographic Focus: North America primarily, but worldwide coverage attempted to reflect changes in the curriculum.

Chronological Focus: Generally current, except for some of the cultural geography material.

Languages Collected: Predominately English.

Formats Collected: Books predominate, with some supporting video. Government publications, Census, geospatial data, and other statistical material are important. These and other Internet sources are linked to from the Government Information web page and the Geography, Environmental Studies, and Environmental Sciences subject guides.

Access to Journal Articles: The Library does not subscribe to a specific journal database for geography, although Environment Complete and some multidisciplinary databases, in particular Science Direct, and ProQuest databases for the Canadian content, are useful for geography and environmental studies, and other science article databases include content for the environmental sciences.

* Much of the material for these subjects also fall in other parts of the classification such as T, S, K, H's, Q's, C-D, and E-F.

Date: May 2001; Revised Dec. 2013.
Selector Responsible: Anita Cannon