Purpose: Supports the work of students in Economics and Commerce, most other social science disciplines, in particular Politics and International relations, Sociology, Environmental Studies, Geography, and many courses in History.

Existing Collection Strength:

H - Social Science (General):
Selective (3)

HA - Statistics:
Basic (1) except Canada which is at level 4. Access to current Canadian government statistics through the DLI, and to historical statistics through the DSP collection, is the reason for level 4.

HB - Economic Theory. Demography:
Economic Theory - Selective (3)
Demography - Basic (1) except for Canada (4), where government information plays a major role.

HC - Economic History:
Representative (2) except material on Canadian economic history, which is Selective (3).

HD - Economic Conditions:
Production, HD 1-88 - Representative (2)
Land Use, HD 101-1395 - Representative (2)
Agriculture, HD 1400-1741 - Basic (1)
Industry, HD 2300-4799 - Representative (2)
Labor, HD 4800-8999 - Representative (2)
Special Industries and Trades, HD 9000-9999 - Representative (2)

NOTE: Material on Canadian aspects of the above, except Agriculture, is collected at the Selective (3) level.

HE - Transportation and Communication:
Representative (2)

HF - Commerce (covers all aspects of business):
Materials on Canada at the Selective (3) level. All others at the Basic (1) level.

HG - Finance:
Materials concerning Canada at the Selective (3) level. All others at Basic (1).

HJ - Public Finance:
Materials concerning Canadian finance at Selective (3). All others at Basic (1).

Current Collecting Intensity: As above, but with increasing emphasis on globalization, sustainable development, and the world economy.

Geographic Focus: Historically, the collection has a strong Canadian orientation with American and/or British material obtained when Canadian was not available or for theoretical texts. Work is still needed to broaden the geographic scope of the collection to support efforts to internationalize the curriculum.

Chronological Focus: Primarily current; some historical.

Languages Collected: English predominates. Works in other languages are normally not acquired.

Formats Collected: Books, journals and online sources primarily. Statistical material and publications of IGOs, NGOs, think tanks and institutes from the government documents collection are very important. Selected Internet sources are available through the library catalogue, the Commerce and Economics subject guides and the Government Information & Statistics web page.

Access to Journal Articles: ABI/INFORM Global and Business Source Elite are the prime business databases. CBCA Business and CBCA Reference are useful for Canadian business information. LexisNexis Academic provides access to business and other international news sources. The Library does not subscribe to a specific article database in economics. The multidisciplinary databases ProQuest, Science Direct, Sage, and others, provide access to journal articles for economics and business topics.

Date: May 2001, Revised 2005, December 2013.
Selector Responsible: Anita Cannon