Purpose: Supports the work of students in sociology and psychology as well as most other social science disciplines and some humanities fields.

Existing Collection Strength:

HM - Sociology General:
Selective (3)

HN - Social History and Conditions, Social Problems, Social Reform:
Canada - Selective (3)
United States and Great Britain - Representative (2)
Other Countries - Basic (1)

HQ - Family, Marriage, Women (a large miscellany):
Generally at the Selective (3) level. Scholarly material only - not popular How-to manuals.

HS - Societies; Secret, Benevolent, etc.:
Basic (1)

HT - Communities; Classes; Races:
Urban & rural communities - Selective (3), HT 1-485
Classes - Selective (2)
Races - Selective (2); generally material by country falls in D-F.

HV - Social Pathology; Social and Public Welfare; Criminology:
Criminology (HV 6000-9999) is Selective (2) except for Canada which is Representative (3).

HX - Socialism; Communism; Anarchism:
Representative (2)

Current Collecting Intensity: As above.

Geographic Focus: North American & Western Europe primarily.

Chronological Focus: All periods with emphasis on current.

Languages Collected: English primarily.

Formats Collected: Journals and books are of equal importance. A/V plays a lesser role.

Access to Journal Articles: The major index in sociology is Sociological Abstracts (paper). The International Bibliography of Sociology (paper) is useful for comprehensive coverage. Several electronic multidisciplinary indexes cover sociology and these are used by the students in preference to the printed indexes.

Date: May 2001
Selector responsible: Ruth Miller