Purpose:  To support work in French-language literature and Spanish-language literature as well as interdisciplinary work in Canadian Studies and Drama.

Existing Collection Strength:  The existing collection in the French section is at the Selective (3) level for the most part, aiming for complete collections of major authors, and at the Representative (2) level for secondary authors. Critical works are acquired for all authors taught and selectively for others. Areas that need attention are the late 20th century authors in all genres, particularly Quebec and Acadian authors. A recent focus on works from other countries within the francophonie and by women also needs more development. Critical works for these areas are also needed.

The Spanish collection is maintained at the Representative (2) level, with Selective (3) level maintained for those authors who are specifically taught in courses. Critical works are acquired for all authors taught and selectively for others. Areas that need attention are the late 20th century authors in all genres.

The literature of Italy and Portugal are collected only in translation when authors are taught in the curriculum.

Current Collecting Intensity:  The above levels should be maintained.  The collection should have good editions of all of the works of major authors, representative works of other authors, and a selective collection of critical and biographical writing about authors, in all genres through all periods.

Geographic Focus:  The focus for French-language literature has expanded recently from France and Quebec to include works from the rest of Canada, particularly Acadian authors, but also authors from the Caribbean, Africa, and other European countries.

The focus for Spanish-language literature is spain and Latin America.

Chronological Focus:  All periods. Collecting emphasis is on current critical works and 20th century authors, with replacement copies obtained and gaps filled in the older collection as possible.

Languages Collected:  Primary works in French and Spanish with selected key works also in English translation. Critical and reference works are acquired in English and the target languages.

Formats Collected:  The preferred format is print on paper, with a good core selection of serial titles, and videos and DVDs in the target languages.

Preservation:  Much of this material is issued in paperback format, and thus is prone to damage.  The major authors are heavily used, and care has to be given to constant review for replacement purchases, to ensure that there are good editions of all major authors present.

Access to Journal Articles:  The major electronic indexes for both Spanish and French literature are the MLA International Bibliography, Humanities Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. CBCA is useful for French-Canadian literature. Additional indexes for French Literature and cinema include Repère and, in print, French XX, Bibliographie d'histoire littéraire française (Klapp) and Critical Bibliography of French Literature.

The library has no major bibliography specifically for Spanish literature.

Selectors Responsible:  Jeff Lilburn (French Literature) and Peter Higham (Spanish Literature)

Date:  May 2001 (Anita Cannon); updated May 2003 (JL and PH)