Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 11:38:04 -0300 (ADT) Subject: algebraic logic via arrows Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 17:39:12 +0000 From: Zinovy Diskin I'd be grateful for comments on the following question motivated by a problem in categorizing algebraic logic a la Tarski. Let C be a complete category with a factorization system (E,M). Given an object A\in C, let us call a pair (m,e) with m\in M, cod(m)=A and e\in E, dom(e)=A, {\it compatible}, m~e, if the square * --m--> A | | e' e | | v v *--m'--> A/e is pull-back (where (e',m') factorizes m;e ). In SET with the standard surjection-injection factorization, m~e iff for all a,b\in A, a\in A_m and e(a)=e(b) entail b\in A_m where A_m is the subset of A corresponding to m. Now let (e_i, i\in I) be a family of congruences compatible with some m:*--->A, e_i ~ m for all i\in I. The question is what properties of (C,E,M) are required to provide sup(e_i, i\in I) ~ m ? (the collection CongA of e:A-->*, e\in E is a meet-complete semilattice due to products, sup is join-via-meets in this lattice). If C is a category of finitary algebras over SET with the standard epi-mono factorization, then sup(e_i) ~ m always holds due to the finitary deduction property of taking sup in the congruence lattice: (a,b)\in sup(e_i) iff there exists a finite subfamily e_1,...,e_k and c_0,...,c_k \in A s.t. a=c_0, b=c_k and e_j(c_{j-1}) =e_j(c_j) for all j=1,...,k . Zinovy Diskin Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 23:42:44 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: algebraic logic via arrows Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:07:12 +0100 From: Marco Grandis This is a collateral remark, but I would be surprised if there were no connections. In an abelian category C, a square of epis and monos as considered by Zinovy Diskin * --m--> A | | e' e | | v v X --m'--> * is a pullback iff it is a pushout. Such a bicartesian square represents a "subquotient" X of A (a subobject m' of a quotient e, and a quotient e' of a subobject m); and it is a subobject X >-+-> A in the category of relations RelC. Subquotients are a crucial tool in homological algebra, where everything - from homology to the terms of spectral sequences - is a subquotient of some "main object" (or an induced morphism between subquotients). See MacLane, "Homology". A categorical study of subquotients in abelian categories and their extensions can be found in the following papers of mine. The last setting ("semiexact" and "homological" categories) is much more general than the classical abelian one M. Grandis, Sous-quotients et relations induites dans les categories exactes, Cahiers Top. Geom. Diff. 22 (1981), 231-238. -, On distributive homological algebra, I. RE-categories; II. Theories and models; III. Homological theories. Cahiers Top. Geom. Diff. 25 (1984), 259-301; 353-379; 26 (1985), 169-213. -, On the categorical foundations of homological and homotopical algebra, Cahiers Top. Geom. Diff. Categ. 33 (1992), 135-175. With best regards Marco Grandis