Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 12:19:08 -0800 From: David Espinosa Subject: decompositions of topoi Page 216 of Lambek and Scott describes how to decompose a topos via a cocover, that is, a monomorphism in Top M : T -> prod(i in I) T/P_i where P_i are the prime filters of T. (1) Does anyone know where to find a more extended discussion of this decomposition? (2) Is there a dual decomposition via a cover, that is, an epimorphism E : sum(i in I) T_i -> T ? This construction could already be in Lambek and Scott, but I haven't had the chance to study L&S in detail, so I'm still in over my head. The conjecture (due to Y.V. Srinivas) is that these ideas are useful for structuring a database of theories by breaking theories into their smallest reasonable subtheories. See the paper on Specware by Srinivas and Jullig on Kestrel's website for more information. So far, this work has dealt with covers of theories, rather than cocovers, whence my question. David Espinosa Kestrel Institute