Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 22:19:54 -0300 (ADT) Subject: correction Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 10:12:30 +0200 (MET DST) From: Jiri Rosicky At the 64th PSSL at Braunschweig, I gave a talk about cartesian closedness of exact completions with an intention to cover equilogical spaces in the sense of Dana Scott (see D.S.Scott, A New category? Domains, Spaces and Equivalence Relations, preprint 1996). Unfortunately, Peter Johnstone found a flaw in my argument. I would like to announce the following result which covers equilogical spaces: Theorem: Let C be an infinitary extensive category. Then its exact completion ex(C) is cartesian closed iff C is weakly cartesian closed. Moreover, the embedding C-->ex(C) preserves exponentials. Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 13:46:56 -0300 (ADT) Subject: equilogical spaces Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 18:35:03 +0200 (MET DST) From: Jiri Rosicky With J.Adamek, we have proved that the category of topological spaces is weakly cartesian closed. Hence its exact completion is cartesian closed (following the result I announced on May 15).