Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 08:32:58 -0300 (ADT) Subject: pushouts in toposes Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 14:22:42 +0000 From: Cesc Rossello Dear categorists A PhD student of mine, Merce Llabres, and I we have got involved in proving some properties of pushouts on toposes, similar (but somehow dual) to those known for pullbacks. We are worried by the fact that perhaps somebody else has already proved many of the results we are interested in. So, before struggling to prove some probably well-known things, we would really appreciate some pointers to literature on the topic. For instance: Assume you have a family of pushouts in a topos Ai ---> Bi | | v f v A------> B (all squares have the same bottom arrow f) with vertical arrows monic, and assume the pullbacks of (Ai -->A)_i and (Bi---> B)_i exist, say A0 and B0, and consider the obvious square A0 ---> B0 | | v f v A------> B It is a pushout square when the family of squares is finite, and for arbitrary families in all complete toposes we have tried (sets, hypergraphs, total unary algebras, unary partial algebras with closed homomorphisms,...). Moreover, a proof (for complete toposes) can probably be derived from the techniques in the paper by Kawahara in TCS vol 77 (1990). But, has somebody already proved (or disproved) such a result? Thanks in advance Cesc Rossello Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 23:52:15 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: pushouts in toposes Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 10:32:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Peter Freyd Cesc Rossello asks about pushouts in topoi. In particular, assume that for each i, Ai ---> Bi | | A ---> B f is a pushout (same f each i) and that the vertical maps are monic (henceforth to be treated notationally as inclusion maps). Let A0 be the intersection of the Ai's and B0 the intersection of the Bi's. Then is it the case that A0 ---> B0 | | A ---> B is also a pushout? Yes for finite families, no for arbitrary families. The case for finite families is an straightforward consequence of the representation theorem for pre-topoi and the fact that such representations preserve pushouts of monics. (See 1.636 and 1.65 in Categories, Allegories.) For the failure in the infinite-family case specialize to the case that f:A --> B is also an inclusion map. The result, if true, would translate to: A v /\Bi = /\(A v Bi). Take sheaves on any non-discrete T1-space, X, for a counterexample. Let B be the terminal sheaf (i.e. X itself), A the complement of some non-isolated point and {Bi} the family of all other complements of one-element sets. Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 23:53:24 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: pushouts in toposes Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 11:54:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Peter Freyd The distributivity condition is not only necessary and but a sufficient condition for the pushout result. A square A'--> B' | | A --> B f in which the vertical arrows are monic is a pushout iff the following three conditions hold: 1) the square is a pullback; 2) B is the union of Image(f) and B'; 3) the congruence, E, induced by f is the union of the identity relation and E ^ (A' x A'). Hence, the desired result reduces to: B = Image(f) v /\Bi; E = I v /\(E ^ (Ai x Ai)) = I v (E ^ /\(Ai x Ai)). Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 11:37:02 -0300 (ADT) Subject: Re: pushouts in toposes Date: Sun, 22 Jun 1997 11:54:47 -0300 From: RJ Wood A belated, somewhat tangential comment, on the distributivity condition A v /\Bi = /\(A v Bi) that Peter mentioned in his posts. The subobject classifier, Omega, satisfies this condition (internally) if and only if the topos is boolean. See the proof of Theorem 10 in Constructive Complete Distributivity II, Math Proc Cam Phil Soc, (1991) 110, 245-249, by Rosebrugh and Wood, which shows that if Omega^op is Heyting then Omega is Boolean. This result was discovered independently by Richard Squire in his thesis. It has always struck me as somewhat surprising but in the Rosebrugh/ Wood proof it is an immediate consequence of the corollary of the following result which I believe is due to Benabou and which seems to be not well known: LEMMA If f <= id:Omega--->Omega then f(u) = u/\f(true). COROLLARY If f <= id:Omega--->Omega and f(true) = true then f = id. (If Omega^op is Heyting, apply the corollary to --, where - is the negation for Omega^op.) RJ