/* Research Project: Graphical Database for Category Theory J. Bradbury, Dr. R. Rosebrugh, I. Rutherford Mount Allison University 2001 File: BiconnectData.java (author: Gerald Carter, Auburn University, 10/21/96) Description: Data object for storing node information used in implementing J.E. Hopcroft's depth-first traversal of a graph to determine the Articulation Points of the graph. Basically, this is a data object for generic information field in Graph class. It is used by the class BiconnectGraph. */ public class BiconnectData { private int num; // the number of the node as determined // ** // by the DFS private int low; // lowest numbered node reachable by n // ** // edges and at most on back edge private boolean articulationPt; // is the node an articulation point? private boolean visited; // has the node been previously visited? private int childCount; private int node_index; // Default constructor public BiconnectData () { num = -1; low = -1; articulationPt = false; visited = false; childCount = 0; node_index = -1; } // Set and Get methods public boolean SetNumber ( int x ) { num = x; return ( true ); } public int GetNumber () { return ( num ); } public boolean SetLow ( int x ) { low = x; return ( true ); } public int GetLow () { return ( low ); } public boolean SetArticulationPoint ( boolean x ) { articulationPt = x; return ( true ); } public boolean IsArticulationPoint () { return ( articulationPt ); } public boolean SetVisited ( boolean x ) { visited = x; return ( true ); } public boolean Visited () { return ( visited ); } public int GetChildCount () { return ( childCount ); } public int SetChildCount ( int x ) { childCount = x; return ( childCount ); } public int SetIndex ( int x ) { return ( node_index = x ); } public int GetIndex ( ) { return ( node_index ); } } // ******* end of BiconnectData.java ********************************** // ********************************************************************