/* Research Project: Graphical Database for Category Theory J. Bradbury, Dr. R. Rosebrugh, I. Rutherford Mount Allison University 2001 File: FunctorNode.java Description: This class contains the information about a functor that is later stored in a linked list. */ class FunctorNode //class FunctorNode definition { CatFunctor f; FunctorNode next; Category A; Category B; Category diagram; int functor_type; int saved; MainWindow ed; FunctorNode(MainWindow edit) //Default constructor for FunctorNode class { ed = edit; f = new CatFunctor(); next = null; A = new Category(); B = new Category(); diagram = new Category(); functor_type = 0; } FunctorNode(MainWindow edit, Category newA, Category newB, Category newDiagram, CatFunctor newf) //Alternate constructor that is applicable when category A and B //along with the cat_functor are included as parameters { ed = edit; A = newA; B = newB; diagram = newDiagram; f = newf; next = null; } }