Uses of Class

Packages that use EasikState

Uses of EasikState in easik

Fields in easik with type parameters of type EasikState
private  java.util.LinkedList<EasikState> StateManager._states
          The stack.

Methods in easik that return EasikState
 EasikState StateManager.peekState()
          Non destructively take a look at the top item on the stack.
 EasikState StateManager.popState()
          Pop the state off of the top of the stack.

Methods in easik with parameters of type EasikState
 void StateManager.pushState(EasikState toPush)
          Pushes a state onto the stack, calls the 'pushed on' hook after being added.

Uses of EasikState in easik.states

Subclasses of EasikState in easik.states
 class AddCommutativeDiagramState
          This state makes a commutative diagram.
 class AddPathToConstraintState
          This state is used to add a new path to a current constraint
 class AddProductConstraintState
          This state makes a product constraint.
 class AddPullbackConstraintState
          This state makes a pullback constraint.
 class AddSumConstraintState
          This state makes a sum constraint.
 class BasicEditingState
          The basic editing state is the lowest state of the state manager.
 class GetPathState
          The GetPathState is a state which can be used to retrieve a single path from the user.
 class LoadingState
          This state is used when adding elements to the graph so that the selection algorithm does not insert then in weird places.